Atenção! Mudanças sobre acesso FTP no R

Vi agora que o download de arquivos em servidores FTP no R foi alterado no R 4.1.1


  • Use of ftp:// URIs should be regarded as deprecated, with on-going support confined to method = "libcurl" and not routinely tested. (Nowadays no major browser supports them.)
  • The non-default method = "internal" is deprecated for http:// and ftp:// URIs for both download.file and url.
  • On Windows, method = "wininet" is deprecated for http://, https:// and ftp:// URIs for both download.file and url. (A warning is only given for ftp://.)For ftp:// URIs the default method is now "libcurl" if available (which it is on CRAN builds).method = "wininet" remains the default for http:// and https:// URIs but if libcurl is available, using method = "libcurl" is preferred.
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